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About the authors
Cui Litang, M.A., has over 27 years experience teaching English and Chinese as Foreign Languages at colleges, universities and organizations in China and the USA. He has served in translations, textbook development, web development and podcasting on YouTube and Flickr. His writings, including “A Map Without Boundaries: William Gibson's Neuromancer-Cyberpunk Novel Reexamined” (2005), “The Communication Convention and Functions of English Discourse Marker in Speech Communication” (2005) and recently as a contributing author for “Communicating Interculturally” (Li Mengyu, Michael H. Prosser) reflect his research interest in linguistics and media.
Michael H. Prosser (Ph.D., University of Illinois), a founder of the academic field of intercultural communication, has taught at universities in North America, China, and in Africa. He is the editor/coeditor or author/coauthor of seventeen published or forthcoming books. He is the former President of the International Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (1984-1986) and a Fellow of
the International Academy for Intercultural Research. His blog at attracts readers from all over the world.
Social Media in Asia
Cui Litang, Michael H. Prosser (Editors)
Social Media in Asia
ISBN 978-1-937570-36-1
686 pages, 26.00 USD
As communication via social media is commonplace among people all over the world, analyzing social media use is crucial for intercultural understanding. Featuring essays about fourteen countries in the Asia-Pacific region, this book provides fresh perspectives at cultural dialogue.
Michael H. Prosser; Preface xi
Michael H. Prosser, Cui Litang; Introduction: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Social Media in Asia 17
Part One: Cross-Cultural Social Media Studies in Asia
I. Cui Litang; Vox Populi—Vox Dei: In Search of the Common Golden Gates 43
II. Beth Bonniwell Haslett; Social Media, Communication and Culture: An Asian Perspective 65
III. Richard Holt and Hui-ching Chang; Social Media in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan: A Cross-Cultural Comparison 101
IV. William J. Brown and Benson P. Fraser; A Cross-cultural Study of Social Media Access and Online
Communication in India, Indonesia, and the Philippines 139
V. Maria Lebedko; A Pilot Study of Social Media and Intercultural Communication
Experience of Chinese and Japanese Students in Russia 169
Part Two: Central Asia
VI. John L. Couper, Adil Nurmanov, Tyrone L. Adams; Political Uses of Social Media in Kazakhstan 207
Part Three: East Asia
VII. Qingwen Dong, Yun Wu, Xiaoting Gu, and Dale Dong; Cultural Values, Gender and Chinese Young Adults in Using Social Media 237
VIII. Huan Chen; Chinese Consumers’ Perception of Social Media: A Phenomenological Study 257
IX. Szu-Wei Chen; PTT: Taiwan's Unique Social Media 293
Part Four: North-East Asia
X. Yuya Kiuchi; Can 140 Characters Save Your Life? Social Media in the Aftermath of the 3.11 Earthquake in Japan 321
XI. Yasuhito Abe; “Pray for Japan”: Reinventing “Japanese National Character” after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Crisis 351
XII. Jason L. Jarvis; Mad Cow Blues: South Korea, Clay Shirky and the Digital Public Sphere 377
Part Five: South Asia
XIII. David M. Lucas; Social Media and Protest—The Indian Spring 399
XIV. Debashis “Deb” Aikat; When Freedom Tweets: Social Media Invigorate India’s Psyche of Free Speech 433
XV. Pradeep N’ Weerasinghe; Community Broadcasting as a Predecessor of Social Media in Sri Lanka 499
Part Six: South East Asia
XVI. Pitchpatu Waiyachote; Content Analysis of Interactions between Global Brands and Their Publics on Global and Thai Facebook Brand Pages 541
XVII. Fong Peng Chew, Fatt Hee Tie; The Transition from the Traditional to the New Social Media Network in Malaysia 563
Part Seven: The Pacific Rim
XVIII. John Harrison, Sean Rintel, Elizabeth Mitchell; Australian Social Media Trends 589
XIX. Olga V. Nikolaeva; We Are All in the Same Waka: Key Concepts of Indigeneous Maori Culture in the Contemporary New Zealand World View 629
Michael H. Prosser; Epilogue 659
Authors’ Biographies 665
Index 681