Victoria Fontan in the News
The Connexion, Oct 16, 2021: Professor at Kabul's American university relieved to be back in France
CBS News, Sept 21, 2021: Almost 150 from the American University of Afghanistan were evacuated, but thousands still want to leave
COIN, resilience, and a new approach to conflict
Interview with Victoria Fontan in STRIFE
Liberal Peacebuilding as Zombie: Workaround Strategies
Article by Sara Cobb in Unrest Magazine
How to order
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Print edition:
Decolonizing Peace
by Victoria Fontan
November 2012, 220 pages
print edition: ISBN 978-1-937570-15-6, $16.00
eBook edition: ISBN 978-1-937570-16-3, $4.99
In this book, Victoria Fontan questions the pre-established assumptions that exist in peace and conflict studies, and brings forward an alternative epistemology that relates to non-conventional initiatives for peace that exist in various parts of the world.
She argues that the first step toward decolonizing peace and conflict studies must be our realization that we are powerless in facing the destruction and injustices that we invariably bring with our peace.
About the Author
Victoria Fontan is a Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies and Vice President of Academic Affairs at the American University of Afghanistan. She is also a visiting professor at the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESO), Guadalajara, Mexico; at the Institut Supérieur des Techniques de Développement, Kalehe, République Démocratique du Congo; and the University of Duhok, Iraq.
Her original academic specializations have been twofold, first, critical terrorism studies from a peace studies perspective, focusing on the role of humiliation in relation to the emergence of insurgencies, mostly in a Middle Eastern context, and second, post-liberal peace studies, from a decolonial perspective. She is now focusing her research on higher education in emergencies; and open recognition networks to build sustainable peace.
Prior to her appointment to Afghanistan, she coordinated the establishment of the quality framework for HPass, the LinkedIn-type platform for humanitarian workers and volunteers. She is also engaging in selected academic activities within the fields of peace education, peace-building research, and critical terrorism studies.
More information on Victoria Fontan’s research on her website: