New Publication September 2013:

Dignity - A Multidimensional View

Francisco Cardoso Gomes de Matos

9781937570378 front v3 300x471

143 pages, hardcover

ISBN 978-1-937570-37-8

About the author

Francisco Cardoso Gomes de Matos is a peace linguist and educator. He is professor emeritus at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.

More info can be found at the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies website.

Excerpt from Evelin Lindner's foreword:

... Humankind is moving, sometimes two steps ahead and one step back, through dramatic and often painful relational changes from authoritarian societies toward partnership societies where all enjoy equality in dignity. Humankind also faces dire political, economic and environmental challenges to our existence. To develop the vital knowledge we need to address these daunting challenges, our use of language needs to change. If we are to survive as a human species, we must follow our dear Francisco’s example and lovingly encourage everyone’s best contributions of knowledge and wisdom. ...

Evelin Lindner, Dr. med., Dr. psychol.
Founding President
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies